Monthly Archives: November 2014

This phase is gonna fly by

It is said that time flies when you’re having fun. Well, time also flies when you’re busy.

It’s been fun, but it’s been busy. So busy in fact that it doesn’t quite seem possible it’s November already. Where have the last two months gone? Where has the last year gone?  Apparently it just flew by. Country artist, Darius Rucker’s, “It won’t be like this for long” comes to mind. While I can’t completely identify with all the lyrics of that song, at least not yet, one phrase rings true no matter what your age and circumstance in life:

This phase is gonna fly by

If you can just hold on

It won’t be like this for long

 The general theme of the entire song is about how fast time is going to fly even if doesn’t seem so when in the moment. However, when looking back, you wonder how time flew by so fast. Truth is, it did and it didn’t. Time flies when we’re busy or having fun because we get caught up in the moment. We either focus on what needs to get done before a deadline or on spending time with those we care about. It’s those brief moments when not surrounded by family or friends, or worrying about the next deadline that we reflect on where our energy and focus is being spent.

The last two months have certainly been busy and thus it seems like time just flew on by without much notice. It’s now the end of the first semester with only finals separating us from our first clinical experience. We have stuffed our brains full of so much information the last two months, we wonder how well we retained it all. Of course, we’ve been tested on our knowledge of the information, but the real test is coming, when we have to apply the knowledge to real life experiences. It’s exciting and scary all at the same time. For some, we get to experience a new town…that’s what happens when attending a program in a state as spacious (population-wise) as Montana. It soon becomes mini-adventures within the overall adventure. A phase, within a phase.

As wind and time fly by, so will this phase. Enjoy it while it lasts because it won’t be like this for long.


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