Uniquely Me


…may not be a name you hear very often so where did it come from? what does it mean?…

 …it means I am uniquely me…I was named after my great-grandparents, one from mom’s side, one from dad’s side. 

I never had the chance to meet the relatives I was named after as they were all deceased before I was born. However, it always gave me a sense of meaning, to my name, to know that I was named after family. Growing up, classmates thought I was named after Ellie May Clampet on the Beveraly Hillbillies, as we had similar names, but as you can see the name is not spelled the same. 

I grew up on a dairy farm with an older brother, older sister, and two younger brothers.  Apparently we all look alike because over the years people have asked if I was a twin with either one of my siblings. People who have known me have even said if they didn’t know better they might have thought I was a twin. 

Even identical twins are unique and we can be reassured of that fact in the bible where God tells us that no matter who we are we are all created unique. 

I am unique. 

I am uniquely HIS. 

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